#1 Secret to Getting Fit Over 40

START Where you Are, Not Where You Are Going, but Most Importantly START!


“I go Gung-Ho and jump in with both feet.  It is tough and overwhelming, so I give up.”


This is equivalent to training for a marathon.  You have not run in years and on day 1 start with a 10-mile run.


You know how this ends, and it is not after a 10-mile run. Most would be lucky to run 1 mile.


The SECRET is simple and as follows:


START Where you Are, Not Where You Are Going, but Most Importantly START!


Avoid getting paralyzed by what would be ideal and just start.


If you have not exercised in years, or ever, start by just moving more.  Park at the back of the lot at work, when shopping and running errands.  Set a goal to walk 3 days per week for 20 minutes. Simple and attainable.


The walk is a reachable goal.  It is FREE and you do not a membership anyplace to do it.  Reaching your goals will be motivating and will encourage you to keep going.  Compare and contrast that to jumping in feet first going to the gym every day for weights and cardio.


Grab the simple victories by setting the goal of walking and following through.   Build an “I CAN do this mindset.”


Don’t forget that fad diet you jump into with both feet.  The diet is not going to work either.  Instead cut back on some of the bad food.  Keep it simple and doable just like with exercise. Grab some victories with food and use it to build that “CAN do it” mentality.


I time build on the can-do attitude and use the motivation to challenge yourself more with exercise and nutrition.



START Where you Are, Not Where You Are Going, but Most Importantly START!


(Need a Plan of Your Own)


Ray Binkowski is the former owner of a hybrid training gym, author (all of his titles are on Amazon), and trainer. He has lost over 60 pounds and kept it off for over 15 years. He has worked with thousands including professional athletes, police/fire/military, physique competitors, even corporations like 3M, and most often people looking to make a long term change in health, wellness, and weightloss.


#fitdad #fitover40 #fitmom #instafit #instafood #eatbycolor @eatbycolor #theprojectstrong @theprojectstrong


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