Fighting Age and How to Make 40 the New 20 and 50 the New 25

Protein in the Jelly

Part of Aging or So the Doc Said, How I am Fighting Aging

Fighting Age and How to Make 40 the New 20 and 50 the New 25.

There were two then three dots on the wall. I was sitting in a class room updating a certification over the weekend. On the dry erase board, three dots. I looked at the walls to the left and right and there were the dots.

The following Monday I got an appointment with an ophthalmologist friend.

Doc checked me out and said you are fine. “Are you 40 yet? You have protein in the jelly.” He went on to explain this is part of the aging process and amino acids are in my line of vision. Or something like that.

I heard one thing…. You are getting older. The thief, age, was beginning to steal from me.

Next, age attempted to take my ability to get up off the floor. Seriously. I was kneeling on the floor with my kids and started to stand up. I started the old man grunt and push off the knee with my hands.

Unlike changes in vision, balance, posture, hand eye coordination, mobility and flexibility do not have to fall victim to age. They are use it or lose it.

I now incorporate training maintain these things age would like to steal. I still train somewhat like a bodybuilding but include functional training. You should as well.

Want to fight aging and need a place to start? If your current existence is sedentary… you sit in a car to go to work, then sit in a cubicle or office and then sit in the car to sit at home on your phone watching TV… just get moving. Start with a walk. No cost and it can be done anywhere.

Fighting Age and How to Make 40 the New 20 and 50 the New 25

My training looks like this (click here to get a complete program for yourself)

3–6 days per week for 20–45 minutes

Chest and Back (Push and Pull)

4 Exercises of each

8–12 Reps


Arms and Shoulders

3 Exercises of Each

8–12 Reps

Super or Trisetted


6–8 Exercises

6–20 Reps

I will train each of the above at least once per week.

In between those days I will do some functional training focused on fighting age.

My Functional Training

Shoulder Rehab Prehab

Trap Bar Deadlift

V Bar Pullup

Med Ball Goblet Squat

DB Lunge

Heavy Carry

One set of 10–15 of each, rest then repeat 4 more times. Basically, a giant set.

Step Up

Step Down

*Note done on a foam covered box in the video. I do them on a boxing heavy bag on the floor. Why? The heavy bag is somewhat unstable and allows me to work in some balance.

Dead bugs 12 Reps

Plank 30–60 Seconds

McGill Curl Up 12 Reps

McGill Walk Tall Like You Own the World 15 Yards

Superset and repeat 3–10 Times.

Years continue to pass, there is grey in my beard and the protein is still in the jelly. I am actively fighting age and you should to.

#EatbyColor @EatbyColor

Ray Binkowski is the former owner of a hybrid training gym, author (all of his titles are on Amazon), and trainer. He has lost over 60 pounds and kept it off for over 15 years. He has worked with thousands including professional athletes, police/fire/military, physique competitors, even corporations like 3M, and most often people looking to make a long term change in health, wellness, and weightloss.


#fitdad #fitover40 #fitmom #instafit #instafood #eatbycolor @eatbycolor #theprojectstrong @theprojectstrong

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