Joints Hurt, Weights Painful, Make Pain Go Away with this!


Joints Hurt, Weights Painful, Make Pain Go Away with this!

At some point all of us experience joint pain. That nagging shoulder pain, the ache in the knees on the stairs, or the cranky back when got to get up in the morning. It happens. It is part of life. Whether from too much exercise, not enough exercise or just plain old aging, at some point the joints hurt. None of us are immune.  Here are some things you can do to reduce joint pain.

So what can you do about it? More than you think.

Proactive things you can start doing right now. First, your shoes. Every two to four months toss your shoes out. Don’t keep them to mow the lawn, wash the car, run errands, clean the house or anything else. The material of the shoe between your foot and the ground often breaks down. The result your knee no longer tracks in straight line and your knees hurt. Think of a door hinge trying to open and close at an angle. News shoes are cheaper than new knees AND being pain free means you are going to enjoy life more.

Exercise will go a long way to preventing joint pain. It has to be the right exercise. What does that mean? Well you do not want your exercise to be very one dimensional. This creates an imbalance about your joints and with it pain. Here is a cool example to demonstrate imbalance. We use it all the time. Put an egg in the palm of your hand and stand over the sink. Squeeze as hard as you can. Nothing happens the egg does not break. Now move the egg slightly out of your palm and repeat. Crack!

Joints of the human body are no different. One dimensional training is like moving the egg from the palm of your hand. What is one dimensional training? Too much pushing in one direction and not pulling in the opposite direction is one dimensional and can in time lead to joint pain. Every hear someone say they can not bench press anymore because of their shoulders? Want to guess what probably contributed to the shoulder issues? Too much one dimensional, pushing over and over with very little pulling in the opposite direction. If you are looking for a library of exercises check out our Exercise Galore. It will give you exercise ideas so you do not train one dimensionally and show you how to safely do them. For every push exercise there should be a pull exercise, that means balance in your training and for your joints.

What about supplements for joint pain? Do they work? Yes. The key is taking a quality product in the right amounts. There are four key ingredients to look for all in one product for healthy joints. Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM and Hyaluronic Acid should ideally be in one product. This saves money and each offers its own joint health benefit.

Food that may help ease joint pain. Omega 3 fats and foods rich in them. Things like cold water fish, olive oil, flax oil, and even walnuts. Google omega 3 foods and eat more of those you like. Sugar free instant gelatin. No joke, gelatin. Our competitive clients and athletes have used this for years. Does gelatin really work? Is it just placebo? Maybe a combination but most report a positive result and less joint pain. If it is all in the head and just placebo, who cares a box of instant sugar free jello is like $0.50. The price is right to give it a shot.

Every you need is in Exercise Galore. Weights, cardio, warm ups, core programs and more!

@fitworkzdekalb @eatbycolor #eatbycolor

Ray Binkowski is the owner of FitWorkz a hybrid training gym in DeKalb, IL, author, and trainer. He has lost over 60 pounds and kept it off for over 15 years. He has worked with thousands including professional athletes, police/fire/military, physique competitors, even corporations like 3M, and most often people looking to make a long term change in health, wellness, and weightloss. Plus the Get Fit and Live Healthy podcast.
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