Major Retailer adds hundreds of house brand healthy products, Are they REALLY Healthy? Avoid being DUPED, Secret to healthy and better eating revealed!

Retailer adds hundreds of house brand healthy products, Are they REALLY Healthy? Avoid being DUPED, Secret to healthy and better eating revealed!

Major Retailer adds hundreds of house brand healthy products, Are they REALLY Healthy? Avoid being DUPED, Secret to healthy and better eating revealed!

Just because they slap “organic” on the box or package does not make it healthy.

There are plenty of processed products labelled healthy and organic but the reality is they are not all that healthy.

At the time of this writing a major grocery retailer is rolling out a house brand of healthy products. Looking at what is available media wise, I have to question how these products are any better than those of their competitors.

Going a step further, there are plenty of much healthier whole food options that are just as portable, cost less and are available at every major grocery retailer.

Avoid being duped. Learn to read labels and educate yourself.

The secret to healthy and better eating starts by shopping the outside perimeter of the grocery store. Here. You will find the fresh produce, dairy, butcher section etc.

Remember just consuming healthy foods may not help you reach your health, wellness and weightloss goals. Eating food labeled healthy does not eliminate the need to get up and get moving on a daily basis.

Over the years we have seen clients anxious to make change start with a salad for lunch. As they learn healthier and healthier food options their once 400 calorie salad has ballooned to over 1200 calories. Flax seed, chia seeds, olive oil, cheese, lean chicken breast, on and on. It all ended up in the salad. Healthy, yes. Too many calories, YES! This is as much or more than a burger with everything.

Looking to learn how to meal plan, prep and determine calories and macros?

Interested in simple recipes with 6 ingredients or less that you can tailor to your goals in the 150 Healthy Simple & Tasty Recipe and Meal Plan Book. Cheaper than it is on Amazon and I will sign it for you. 🙂

Get the BOOK NOW! 




Ray Binkowski is the former owner of a hybrid training gym, author (all of his titles are on Amazon), and trainer. He has lost over 60 pounds and kept it off for over 15 years. He has worked with thousands including professional athletes, police/fire/military, physique competitors, even corporations like 3M, and most often people looking to make a long term change in health, wellness, and weightloss.


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Posted in News.