Fast Food for Fat Loss

What you need


Rotisserie Chicken



Garlic, fresh, minced, salt you pick make it easy

Olive Oil

Flatout Foldit, new discovery, high in fiber (none of us eat enough fiber, “Eat by Color” google it topic from the book)

Shred the chicken.  I have found your hands work best.  Yes, you are going to have to get dirty with this one.

Dice  your vegetables

Add Olive Oil to Skillet and turn on the heat, I also dumped the juice from the chick in as well.

Add your chicken and vegetables

Cook until vegetables are soft.   Serve as is OR you can make some cool, high fiber flat bread sandwiches using some of these.



This will produce enough food for two people for two meals or more each!

Fast, easy and “Eat by Color!”

This article is the courtesy of Raymond M. Binkowski former fat guy, author of “Eat by Color”, personal trainer and owner of FitWorkz. Its intent is to be shared. If sharing the previous following statement MUST be included any time this article is reproduced in part or entirety. So please feel free to share, you just might change a life! * * Twitter @eatbycolor * *


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