Must Have In Your Kitchen If You Plan to Lose Weight

Must Have In Your Kitchen If You Plan to Lose Weight

Must Have In Your Kitchen If You Plan to Lose Weight

I remember buying my first weight loss cook book.   I was excited to get it home only to find out there were two problems. First I did not have the majority of the ingredients for any of the recipes in the book. Second, as a bachelor I did not have most of the utensils or kitchen equipment needed to make the food in the book. The new weight loss book was loaded with food and meals I lacked the tools and ingredients to make.  Your kitchen needs to have the tools for you to make the right foods to reach your goals.  Recipes need to have only a few common ingredients or you are never going to make them OR will only make the on special occasions.  Even if there are few ingredients in the recipe if you do not have them you can make the food.

Here is a list of tools you will need to have in your kitchen to make better food and drop pounds and inches.

Equipment and Tools




Large Frying Pan with Lid


Oven and Microwave Safe Dishware

Pack of Portable Plastic Food Storage Set (hit your local box store)

Crock Pot or Slow Cooker



Garlic Powder



Olive Oil

Balsamic Vinegar

Salt and Pepper

Vegetable Oil


Non-Stick Cooking Spray


Ranch Dressing

Ranch Dressing Packet

Taco Seasoning


Hot Sauce



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