Overcoming Obstacles on the Way to Losing Over 50 Pounds

2014 My Breaking Point

My weight was at its highest (notwithstanding two back to back pregnancies). I was diagnosed with a pre-cancerous colon polyp.  My youngest daughter was granted a wish through the Make-A-Wish Foundation and I did not want to be photographed overweight and out of shape.

I decided to get serious at the gym.   I worked with a trainer and nutritionist.  I was put on a structured meal plan and had to learn a whole new way of life.






Failing is Part of the Process

I tried and failed SO many times, I lost count.  I lost faith in my ability to gain control over my weight.  This changed when I started working with a trainer and nutritionist.  I learned important (yet simple) tactics for achieving success.





Overcoming Obstacles

The biggest obstacle was learning to eat.  I had already tried every fad diet out there, including starving myself. I was never successful.  Eating 6 times a day was foreign to me!   There was no way I could eat that much, and lose weight.  I cried the first week and struggled to eat 6 times per day.  I kept at it.  The more consistent I was with nutrition the more the weight seemed to just drop off.  It was working.








My Plan

I lifted weights 3-4 times a week, performed cardio 3 times a week.  My workouts are intense using a progressive overload approach to training.   Fad diets are behind me.  I follow a very structured and balanced nutrition plan that included nutrient-dense foods.


(Need a Plan of Your Own)



A Role Model Helping Others Reach their Goals

Becoming healthy has done amazing things for me.  My esteem and confidence in general have improved. I am a role model for my teenage daughters.  After losing over 50 pounds and I reached my ideal weight.  Next I had the confidence to step on stage in 4 amateur bodybuilding competitions and earned the chance to compete nationally.   Today I have a sports nutrition consultant certification and share my experience and knowledge with others!




Michelle Meyer

IG:  @mcmcolospgsfit







Ray Binkowski is the former owner of a hybrid training gym, author (all of his titles are on Amazon), and trainer. He has lost over 60 pounds and kept it off for over 15 years. He has worked with thousands including professional athletes, police/fire/military, physique competitors, even corporations like 3M, and most often people looking to make a long term change in health, wellness, and weightloss.


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